RésuméLinkedInGitHub Cryptography & Network Security NotesDeutsch-Josza Algorithm  |

samira You have found my site! :) I am a computer engineer with interests in cryptography and networking security (L5/3) and routing protocolos & algorithms. I am particularly interested in post-quantum cryptography research and development in hardware and software. Please see my résumé regaring qualifications, work, and projects. My initial background is in engineering, applied mathematics, programming, and French & Italian studies.

I have very strong background in different areas, such as systems programming, data structures, circuirt design (analog & digital), embedded system design, networking (TCP/IP protocol stack), information security, applied mathematics (e.g., cryptography, qRNG constructions), development work (e.g., web applications using different architectures, such as P2P, client-server), cloud (e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, BaaS, containers, microservices, k8s), and application-specific system design, simulating, prototyping, and testing, in the hardware, software, and firmware domains. For example, x86 compiler or the Montgomery-type reduction-free modular multiplier from my thesis which is a the most costly operation in both modern and PQC schemes as well as the corresponding attack vectors.

Overall, I have a very strong affinity for mathematics, algorithms, and learning languages. I am passionate about the Internet across all layers with particular interests for routing and crypto. I love to learn new things and share what I learn. You may find my CMPE 209 notes in the above links and step by step DJA explanation.

B.Sc. Senior ProjectM.Sc. Master thesis  |